Final and executive design of the works for the construction of the potabilization plant of water derived from the Conza della Campania reservoir and the head reservoir of the Aqueduct – Conza della Campania (AV)

Project details

Contracting Station:

Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.


RTI Degremont S.p.A. – Giovanni Putignano & Figli S.r.l. – Desa S.r.l. – Faver S.p.A. – Edil Alta S.r.l. – Lista Appalti S.r.l.


Conza della Campania (AV)



Amount of Job:

44.387.100,95 €

Start date:


Delivery date:



Drinking water plant
Conza drinking water treatment plant
“The project included the executive design and construction of the Conza drinking water plant. The water to be treated was derived from the artificial reservoir of the same name by means of an intake from the dam and a DN1900 pipeline laid within the existing outlet tunnel. From here, the water was sent to the grating artifact, located at the head of the drinking water plant. The plant, sized with reference to a raw water category A3, is able to treat a flow rate of 1.5 m3/s. The treatment chain includes the stages of screening, prechlorination, clariflocculation/decantation, sand filtration, activated carbon filtration and post-disinfection; the plant operates by gravity. As part of the contract, the Ofanto Aqueduct header tank with a total capacity of 80,000 m3, divided among 8 twin tanks, was also built.”

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