Executive design and execution of works to upgrade the purification plant of Monte Sant’Angelo (FG).

Project details

Contracting Station:

Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.


Giovanni Putignano & Figli S.r.l.


Monte Sant’Angelo (FG)



Amount of Job:

1.617.338,70 €

Start date:


Delivery date:



Civil sewage treatment plants
Purifier Monte Sant’Angelo
“The project intervention involved the upgrading and expansion of the sewage treatment plant serving the town of Monte Sant’Angelo (potential 9,730 A.E.). The heart of the intervention was the construction of the new oxidation compartment in the area previously occupied by the existing combined dock.
In the course of the work, it was necessary to ensure the operation of the plant. The company has, therefore, put in place a series of provisional works: temporary grating channels, preparing the existing stabilization basin to make it work as an oxidation. Particularly important in this regard has been the experience the company has gained from decades of direct management of sewage treatment plants.”

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